MINEMAN Finance Module can take the hard
work out of your month-end processes
The MINEMAN Finance Module is an incredibly powerful system that takes all the manual effort out of your month-end processing and cash flow forecasting.
The MINEMAN System can re-value any non-finalised sales in the system in seconds using the latest available weight, assay and price data. The system can be configured to re-value using either the latest issued invoice data or latest available data to match your business requirements. The process is quick, easy and most importantly accurate. The application does the work for you, meaning your month-end processing can be completed in minutes not days.
MINEMAN support also carry out full pre-emptive checks to ensure that the system has all the required data and then inform you of anything that has not been entered before you run your month-end processes. We proactively remove the problems before they become problems.
MINEMAN’s cashflow forecasting gives you an accurate picture instantly using a combination of best available data and future price curves. Both short and long term cashflows can but run using a variety of price curves.
Pulling all this information together is the MINEMAN Management Dashboard comprising a comprehensive set of charts and reports that let you see that status of your business at a glance.
Support is provided to our clients in their own time zone, by MINEMAN experts in Australia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru and the Philippines.
Mineman support will do a trial run of your month-end processes before you've even had a chance to think about it, ensuring fast, trouble free month-end processing.